MedHelp - Medievia Help System
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See below for syntax and examples.

Once you have identified an item, that item's identify information is
"memorized" by your character. You can retrieve the information for an
item you've already identified by using the APPRAISE command. This command
will only work on objects you have already identified by casting the
IDENTIFY spell or reciting a scroll of identify. The identify information
is cleared once another player touches the item. This means you cannot use
APPRAISE on items that other people have given you until you have
identified them yourself.

Items you have identified that can be appraised are marked with a green
exclamation point (!) in front of the item name. You can turn this "!"
display on and off with the FLAGS command.


appraise <item> - appraises <item> in your inventory
appraise <item> worn - appraises <item> worn as equipment
appraise <item> locker - appraises <item> in your locker
appraise <item> <container> - appraises <item> in <container>
appraise <item> <container> worn - appraises <item> in worn <container>

appraise all - appraises all items in your inventory
appraise all worn - appraises all worn equipment
appraise all locker - appraises all items in your locker
appraise all <container> - appraises all items in <container>
appraise all <container> worn - appraises all items in worn <container>

Add ! and <channel> to send appraise info for one item to a communication
channel. Channels available are: !clan, !town, !form, !say, !bloodline,
!whisper, and !tell. For telepaths, add <name> after !tell.

appraise !<channel> <item> - appraises <item>, sending info to <channel>
appraise !<channel> <item> worn - appraises <item> worn as equipment,
                                  sending info to <channel>
appraise !<channel> <item> <container> - appraises <item> in <container>,
                                         sending info to <channel>
appraise !<channel> <item> <container> worn - appraises <item> in worn
                                              <container>, sending info to

Use !paper to paste the appraise info to a paper in your inventory. This
adds the appraise info to the end of whatever else might already be
written on the note (including previous appraisals), making it easy to ID
a piece of equipment for posting on a bulletin board.


appraise belt       - shows the full identify screen for a belt in your

appraise belt worn  - shows the full identify screen for the belt you're

appraise !clan belt - shows the brief identify information for a belt in
                      your inventory to your clan channel

appraise !tell bob belt worn - telepaths the brief identify information
                               for the belt you are wearing to Bob

appraise !paper note belt - adds the brief identify information for a belt
                            in your inventory to the end of the note in
                            your inventory

appraise all        - shows brief identify information for all items in
                      your inventory that you have already identified,
                      including donation equipment/items and invisible
                      items; shows "You haven't identified <item>" for
                      items you have not yet memorized

appraise all 2.bag     - shows brief identify information for all items
                         in the 2nd bag in your inventory

appraise all bag worn  - shows brief identify information for all items
                         in the bag you are holding/wearing

appraise all worn      - shows brief identify information for all items
                         currently equipped (worn, held, etc.)