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For more help on the political module, read Help VOTE and Help PARTIES
as well as this help file and ANNOUNCEMENT 493.

The POLITICS channel is used to discuss upcoming or current elections,
party platforms, and other politics-related matters. All players can hear
the channel, but you must be total level 31 or higher, or have donation
equipment on your character, in order to speak on this channel. In order
to keep the channel non-spammy and free of chatter, how often you can use
it is limited as follows:

- During an election, candidates may use the channel once per minute.
- The current governor may use the channel as often as he/she wishes.
- The current mayor may use the channel once every 30 minutes. If the
  governor and mayor are both online, the mayor may also use the channel
  as often as he/she wishes.
- Clan leaders and coleaders may use the channel once every 10 minutes. If
  the governor is online, leaders and coleaders may use the channel once
  every 5 minutes.
- Everyone else total level 31 or higher or with donation equipment may
  use the channel once every 30 minutes.

It costs 100,000 gold to speak on the politics channel, for everyone
other than governor, mayor, candidates, and clan leaders and coleaders.

Please note that this channel is for serious political announcements and
discussions only, which is why it is limited. You will be gagged (on all
channels) and can be frozen if you use the channel for idle chatter or
bashing. You have been warned.

SHOWPOLITICS (abbreviated to SHOWPOL or POLITICSLOG will show a log of
recent activity on this channel, just like FORMLOG or TOWNLOG

Election Schedule each month:

1st-2nd: Pre-Primary time, when players can declare themselves candidates
    3rd: Primary elections, when one candidate from each party is chosen
         to run for Governor
4th-5th: Pre-Election time, when players can get to know the candidates
    6th: Election day; candidate with more votes becomes Governor,
         candidate with fewer becomes Mayor
    7th: New Governor and Mayor take office