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Sept 20, 2024

Shake it Up!
by Tasia

If you shake it once, that's fine.

Sometimes it’s fun to shake things up. The first time multi-play was turned on, many people took the opportunity to test it out. Equipment zones were solo’d, lairs were attempted, and alts got xp. There was even an incident of 9v9 dueling, that resulted in one form leader taking control of both forms. After a week of many people trying many new things, the reviews were mixed. A few of the predominant leaders had succeeded in soloing damn near everything in the world. To some leaders, being able to solo everything is a positive. However, some had concerns that if multi-play became the norm, it would destroy the world, as leaders would never again need followers. No more waiting on people to show up, or to sneak, or to cast sanctuary. Do what you want, when you want, with much less drama. On the flip side, followers rejoiced! They could now have a leader drag multiple versions of themselves at the same time, and maybe, just maybe, they could actually “solo”... something.

The second time around, the division between those that can, and those that can’t is even more egregious. Paired with lairs, more lairs were run faster than ever. Sometimes even two at a time. But, more failed than ever before. And it was hard to even get an invite, as leaders could just take themselves. Did you know that two people with nine-person forms can get 72 hides EACH on four total chars? A form of two shares with a form of two (72 hides/4 people)*2 for special *2 for hourglass. Did you know that a single army (as alt forms have been casually dubbed) can clear all of the DMCPK MFs, usually about five, in less than an hour? Did you know that a full form of yourself can make half a billion gold on one under-ocean trade run during hourglass, without an under-ocean special? The real question is: can anyone do these things, or is it something only a few elite will ever accomplish?

You shake it twice, that's okay:

Frostblood, “On the one hand MP enables you to do more with a smaller player base. On the other it alienates those that either don't have a ton of characters or lack the knowledge to orchestrate them.”

Sampa, “With MP, the game skews heavily in favor of players that can write scripts. I feel like 5 ppl have been doing things over the past few weeks. I think the majority of players don't know where to begin on MP. It's easier if I don't invite others.”

Aironi, “I think it will be terrible for new player retention as well. The barrier for entry skyrockets if the expectation, or norm, is to play multiple characters. Why invite others to do what you can do by yourself? (Another issue I see with new player retention). I'll be honest, my biggest gripe is the wishy washiness of MP currently. Make it a thing, or don't allow it ever. This grey area is lame. And if it isn't allowed, actually enforce it.”

Humera, “If people can fill out a form and get 9x as rich instead of 8x as rich carrying another real player where is the motivation to share.”

Costic, “The biggest issue is I can't fill out a form when I am available to do stuff. Making everything incentivized around having 9 people for a zone or trade run has just exaggerated the problem. And I'll happily include newer players in a form, just don't make me beg to get 9 people and every endgame zone requires 9 people.”

Wellz, “MP is fun but it will get out of hand soon enough... once you have a few really good coders who will own the mud running zones and cpking, it will eventually be like 9 people with 9 player forms owning everything.”

Chevi, “In my opinion, the game's social side has most certainly decreased during MP; it's seriously noticeable. Without real people banter, the game is nothing. Could MP be brought in occasionally for those who have developed the code? I don't think so - MPing (sadly) is all or nothing.”

Terita, “Part of what appeals to me about Medievia is the real people. It seems like it would get lonely after you play by yourself for a while.”

You shake it three times, you're playing with yourself again.

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