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Mudslinger Reporter Application

The very first job that Medievians can hold is that of a Medievia MudSlinger Reporter. Reporters are players who volunteer to write about happenings within the realm of Medievia for the MudSlinger Newspaper. They are players with good writing and grammatical skills who are willing to periodically write about their daily experiences and adventures. Reporters may write about such things as serpents, ship battles, dragon lairs, pk adventures, traderuns with mobfactions, interviews with players/gods, helpful articles/tips, news items, fiction, poetry, etc. Reporters may also be asked to cover certain specific features or events, such as elections.

Reporters have a (Reporter) tag on their name so everyone knows who they are. When you see a Reporter on your ship, in your lair, or on any adventure, you will know that they may write a short story about the adventure for all to read. There will be an area so everyone can see every Reporter's work list for the past year so we all know who is working, who is not, who is the best, and who needs to be replaced. This will be a competition and keeping your Reporter job will require you to be better at it than others as we will always be trying to replace our worst Reporter with someone who will try to do better, just like a real newspaper.

For the most part we want Reporters to simply write about the adventures they witness that take place within the game world. These should be short factual fast reads with flare, flavor, and emotion. The type of articles Reporters provide is their personal decision, but Reporters must agree to write 2-3 quality articles per month to continue holding the position. Reporters can earn up to 5 donation tokens for each submission. In addition, MudSlinger Reporters will receive a medal and the coveted MudSlinger Press Quill.

Only apply if you are a very active player who often finds yourself knee deep in many of the most talked-about adventures. Do not apply if you are not a high level. Do not apply if you will never enter CPK. Do not apply unless, as a player, you are known to be brave enough to be on the front lines all of all types of adventures.

In order to become a Reporter you need to hold a genuine interest in writing articles for the MudSlinger. To apply, answer the questions below in an email to Please include Reporter Application in the subjectline of the email. An acknowledgement of your application will be sent to you when it is received. If we like your application we will put you on a probationary month of writing articles and then a decision will be made about your job.
  1. List your mortal(s) name and levels achieved in Medievia.

  2. How long have you been playing Medievia?

  3. What past experience do you have in reporting and/or writing?

  4. Describe your education to us. This may be high school, college, or your own personal studies.

  5. Provide 1-2 paragraphs explaining why you wish to be a reporter for Medievia.

  6. In order to gain knowledge of your writing ability, please provide a concise (at most 3 paragraphs) account/ report/ story of one of the following events: Exciting trade run with Mob Faction encounters, Serpent battle, Ship to Ship battle, PK encounter, Dragon Lair, or any other comparable event in Medievia.
If you have any questions or comments about the Mudslinger please contact: Abalyss

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