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April 3, 2024
An Insider’s Guide: AFKing in Med City If you’ve spent more than a few minutes in Medievia City, you’ll notice that players go AFK in a multitude of different rooms. At a high level, Medievia City offers a safe place to park your character while you step away to be present in the real world. Your character will be protected from aggressive monsters, PKers, and even the effects of bad weather.However, what many may not know is that there is a hidden world of secret meanings behind which room a player chooses to go AFK in. The room that YOU choose to stop in when you step away will dictate your status as a citizen of Medievia, your reputation, and it may even change the entire course of your character's fate. One of our reporters went undercover and the following is just some of what we’ve learned about the meaning behind different rooms… Medievia City Recall - This is the fastest room to get to and the players that stop here tend to be in a hurry for no good reason. These players never seem to have enough time, show up late to runs, and then also leave early! If you loan them any gold, don’t count on getting any of it back quickly. Despite their shortfalls, they are good-hearted people that build strong social connections with others. They know lots of gossip and are all too willing to share when asked. Make friends with one of them and you’ll have a friend for life. These players tend to get along well with everyone but have an especially close connection to the players that AFK in the War Room. North and East of Recall - These players make up the merchant class of Medievia. They work hard and earn sizable piles of gold as a result. It’s crucial that they be positioned between the storage lockers and the post office as they are constantly turning over their inventory and selling their wares. Don’t hesitate to take a peek into their inventories and try to make a deal on some items. They’d sell their own mother for the right price if they could. These players can always be counted on to show up on runs, especially if there is the promise of good loot. Don’t hesitate to get to know some of them! One North of Recall - Despite all evidence to the contrary, these people aren’t AFK. In fact, they never AFK and no one can figure out how that’s even possible! At any given time, they are likely getting ready to go CPK someone, and if you type LOOK again then chances are you’ll notice they have already left the room. These players form a close-knit community of some of Medievia’s most dangerous assassins. They don’t want to talk to you and you don’t want to talk to them. If you sit in this room too long you might become a target, or worse… one of them. One South of Recall - These players are totally unhinged, and they knowingly chose to stop in a room with non-stop text spam from the town crier. Don’t bother leaving them a message because they’ll never get it! They don’t have any friends, nor do they want any. If you do happen to start a conversation with one of them, you’ll find that most of what they say is incomprehensible gibberish. Although some of them might be in a clan, they are likely to leave and join a different clan whenever the mood suits them. When they aren’t AFK, you’ll find them somewhere out in the world soloing zones to get items that no one else even knows about or wants. Medievia might as well be a single-player game to them. West of Recall - Tread lightly as you are in the presence of the wisest and wealthiest players in Medievia. It’s no coincidence that these players situate themselves between the library and the portal. They have their finger on the pulse of everything that’s happening in Medievia, and they likely know where you’re going next before you do! Speak with reverence and craft your questions carefully. While they may be willing to share their wisdom with you, they are just as likely to be the ones pulling the strings behind those assassins mentioned above. Still, it’s more likely that you’ll get a rude or dismissive response as these players tend to turn their noses up at everyone else. They probably aren’t worth your time, and they certainly aren’t going to be very social unless you end up becoming “one of them.” South and East of Recall - These players are good and kind. They are generous with their time and resources, and believe in helping out the less fortunate. They will openly share their knowledge, gold coins, or even a simple meal with someone who is in need. They do have a tendency to get caught up in whatever the current hip craze is… recycling, upcycling, vegetarianism, making jewelry out of rocks, cake decorating… You name it and they’re into it. When they are not AFK, they work to keep the donation room stocked and welcome new players to the game. The War Room - This room has subcultures of its own, and can be difficult for new players to navigate due to the complex set of rituals that can be involved . One of the oldest AFKers in the history of AFK calls this room home, and if you know - you know. The other folks that AFK here are either clanitem collectors, item hoarders, or players looking for the next “get rich quick” scheme. These players can be a little skittish if they don’t know you, but spend an AFK cycle with them and they’ll open up some. They are fun to chat with, but don’t expect them to be there in a true time of need. When push comes to shove, they’re only going to be looking out for themselves. These groups are often close friends with the players at Medievia City Recall, but can’t stand the merchant class to the north and east. That’s surprising though since most of the gold that these players earn is ultimately going to end up with those merchants anyway. So there you have it folks! I hope you find this guide to be both helpful and informative in keeping you on the straight and narrow line of life in Medievia. Be careful where you stop to AFK and don’t get in with the wrong crowd. If you’re still new to Medievia and all of this seems overwhelming, try not to worry about it too much. You’ll find your way before long and it’ll become easy to navigate this social spider web of players and factions with time. Stay safe out there folks! Sampa All Rights Reserved. For more information contact: Webmistress: Soleil |