April 20, 2024
My Top Five Zones for New Medievia Players by Loreis
Top Five Newbie Zones
As an Avatar in Medievia, I am often asked where new players can go to
gain experience and low-level equipment. There are many zones that are
“newbie” friendly, zones with evil beasties and fantastic drops for lower
level players. Here are my top five zones for new Medievia players!
- The Sewers Beneath Lumond’s Haven.
The Sewers Beneath Lumond’s Haven are filled with ogres and
spiders and all things creepy. In order to gain access to the sewers,
you must first find a woman named Karamira, who resides in Haven.
She needs your help to rid the sewers of monsters, and in return for
assisting her, Karamira will give you a wonderful piece of equipment.
Remember to type “explore objectives” to keep track of your progress.
The Sewers Beneath Lumond’s Haven is a level-restricted zone, so try
to complete it as soon as you have a few spells or skills practiced.
Walking east from the fountain in Medievia City (also known as
recall) brings you to a gate. Beyond this gate lies The Graveyard.
Terror may threaten to keep you from journeying into this world of
the undead, but as long as you keep your wits about you, you’ll be
fine. There is an explore for The Graveyard, so feel free to dash about
killing zombies, specters, ghosts, and bats. If you head north and
east, you will find the entrance to a cathedral where humble monks
silently pray. Kill them, as they sometimes carry flasks of sanctuary
Further east, past The Graveyard, you will come upon The Great Tree.
This mighty tree holds many secrets, including a spot where you can
transport yourself to other zones. In order to complete the explore for
this zone, you will need all your courage. Once you find a pixie with
an acorn, you must use that acorn to access the roots of The Great
Tree. Down in the darkness live demons, demons you must slay.
There is a hidden entrance that will lead you to a cruel and vicious
Rot Demon. Once you have dispatched him, you will find wondrous
equipment and treasure. The Great Tree is also a level-restricted
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you came upon a
hoard of very angry rabbits? Well, wonder no more! The Preserve
is filled with rage-filled bunnies, homicidal wolves with steel
hammers, yowling cougars, and oddly, happy little fairies.
Depending on your level, you might want to enlist some friends to
tackle this zone with you. There are also cave bears, a hunter to
kill, a slightly insane keeper you must put out of his misery, and
you will need to find those happy little fairies. The Preserve is not
level-restricted, and while the equipment drops aren’t great, the
experience is.
The most important thing to know about Ulhazzen Mines is this
zone is CPK, or a Chaotic Player Kill zone. If you are CPK-ed, you
can lose a level, the player who killed you can loot your corpse, and
you will lose all the gold you have on your player. Ulhazzen Mines
is divided into two sections, and for lower level players, I suggest
the prison. Again, depending on your level, you might need help.
The explore for Ulhazzen Mines is straightforward: kill everything
except the warden. You will find medicine orbs which are healing
staffs, some interesting potions (make sure to identify them!), and
nice low-level equipment. The prison is on the upper level of the
mines, while the lower level contains death. Instant, painful death.
My suggestion is to wait until you are level 20, then buy some
harm staves, find a few people to help, and go forth to complete
the explore. Ulhazzen is only available to single class players under
level 31, so you will not have to worry about someone much
stronger than you stabbing you in the neck and taking all your
I hope learning about my top five zones for new Medievia players
helps you with your adventuring. If you have any questions, feel
free to find me in Medievia. I am usually fighting sludge mephits in
The Catacombs, but I can multitask!
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