April 25, 2024
Treasure and Glory: Adventures in The Citadel by Antons
The pirate invaders of the Mellorian Citadel have long been known for their pirating and thievery!
An increase in pirate activity has been blamed on rising dragon and equipment costs across Medievia, but has also resulted in greater rewards being paid by the captains of the Citadel for its rescue. This has prompted recent expeditions to the zone, and the discoveries of a mysterious treasure horde full of jewels and "gold".
The horde itself is rumored to be guarded by goblins, and contains many interesting treasures of great value. Finding the horde will prove most difficult to many, and the massive treasure vault hidden within, even more so. As for me, I barely made it out alive.
Beware venturing deep within the Citadel and attempting to find all the pieces of the treasure map. You may indeed gain access to the mysterious horde and discover all of its riches, but rumors also speak of a mighty dragon roaring from deep within the caverns beneath the Citadel.
Until next time. Still asking the tough questions!
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