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July 1, 2024
Ah, summer. The breezes are warmer at Fire Giants Keep, the river hags laugh louder as single level clerics die in the river outside Trellor, and the air is filled with the violent screams of happy dragons. This is summer in Medievia. Summer in Medievia also brings fun. As you fly around on a happy, screaming dragon, you may come across the Elm Dryad and the Traveling Minstrel. These are two holosections in the wilderness, and completing each results in prizes. What is a holosection, you may ask? A holosection is a moveable zone, sometimes terrifying, but often joyful. The easiest way to find Ms. Dryad and Mr. Minstrel is to furiously type “survey” or “sur” while zipping about on a flying behemoth. If you see the word “merriment,” land immediately, and thus ends the hints. Have you always wanted to try jousting? During the summer festivities, you can! Head two east from Medievia recall (the fountain), and a few rooms north, then west into the Jousting Tournament. For more information on jousting, read the help file in game about jousting by typing “help joust.” Oh, I almost forgot the holiday autoquests! There is a non-hero quest, and a more challenging hero quest. Non-heroes can walk four rooms south of Medievia recall and one room west to begin their quest. I will not give any hints except you need a few pieces of blank paper in your inventory. The hero quest starts where all hero quests start: The Level 31 Treehouse in the Warrior Quarter. Read the sign at beginning. Do what it tells you. Finally, on July 4th, the holiday token quest begins. Kill everything you see for the chance to win fabulous prizes and a medal. By kill everything you see, what I mean is look at everything in case they have a token, type “consider” to make sure Death will not thank you for your gift, then kill everything. I am not responsible if a level 20 warrior decides to look for holiday tokens in Sevoseth. I hope you enjoy summer in Medievia. It’s a wonderful time of year, especially since you can enjoy it while sitting in your air conditioned house. Love, Loreis All Rights Reserved. For more information contact: Webmistress: Soleil |