- All CPK kill ledgers entries will be labeled 'terminated' this week instead of 'killed'.
- You gain 4 times the gold for defeating a Hellraider decromancer.
- You gain a special medal for being crucified this week.
- You are awarded a special medal for 3 kills.
- You are awarded a special medal for 13 kills, plus you are awarded an action figure!
- You are awarded a special medal for 25 kills. We know this will be very hard for many players but that is the plan. This is a hard medal to earn and will always be rare.
- You now get 200 MILLION GOLD for getting the 25 kill medal, note that this is a one time per player thing.
- SCORE tracks your total Hellraider kills for the week.
- GAMEINFO tracks the top 20 players ranked by Hellraider kills for the week.
- The top 20 players at the end of the week will be awarded a special top 20 medal.
Hellraider is a special Medievia feature, enjoy this special week! Please
play nice while players abuse you in CPK, while the game cruly crucifies
you, and while zombies swarm over your decaying corpse!
145 days until Medievia comes out of BETA.
Gratz to last weeks ship battle winners:
01 Zocuten 24
02 Cipactli 16
03 Sasukizz 8
04 Aethilus 6
05 Kwein 3
06 Izzaeroth 3
07 Zuzoir 2
08 Zultic 1
-The Medievia staff
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