October 6th, 2014
Mule Trading Week!


From now and until 6am Monday..
  • You get twice the gold for all mule trading.
  • You are awarded a special medal for 100 million trading
  • When you are awarded this you gain an EXTRA 50 MILLION GOLD.
  • You are awarded a special medal for 200 million trading
  • When you are awarded this you gain an EXTRA 100 MILLION GOLD.
  • SCORE tracks your total mule trading
  • GAMEINFO shows the top 20 players ranked by mule trading
  • The top 20 players at the end of the week will receive a special medal.

Gratz to last weeks BLOODSWORD winners!

01       Tyleste 3,000
02      Fitstich 1,373
03        Ionnes 1,338
04       Murghen 1,051
05           Kea 934
06         Hirve 791
07         Rzael 736
08          Djax 650
09       Aademyr 599
10      Langorth 575
11          Burn 567
12        Bashuu 380
13       Jeromia 378
14        Zuzoir 299
15     Izzaeroth 290
16          Xeyr 287
17        Zultic 280
18         Zodac 278
19        Antons 183
20     Zephyrion 181

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