From now and until 6am Wednesday..
- You get twice the gold for all mule trading.
- You are awarded a NEW action figure for 50 million mule trading.
- You are awarded a special medal for 100 million mule trading.
- When you are awarded this you gain an EXTRA 50 MILLION GOLD.
- You are awarded a special medal for 200 million mule trading.
- When you are awarded this you gain an EXTRA 100 MILLION GOLD.
- SCORE tracks your total mule trading.
- GAMEINFO shows the top 20 players ranked by mule trading.
- The top 20 players at the end of the week will receive a special medal.
Gratz to last weeks Hellraider winners:
RANK PLAYER Hellraiders defeated
01 Illexio 20
02 Frostloth 17
03 Noelio 14
04 Greyloc 11
05 Yeshem 10
06 Fornax 9
07 Zodac 9
08 Rhaze 9
09 Upowilopizi 7
10 Reeannon 7
11 Dagz 7
12 Hexadelium 6
13 Liono 5
14 Sidius 5
15 Melevicus 4
16 Andreb 4
17 Vyker 4
18 Miramyer 3
19 Zhijing 3
20 Kwein 3
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