Note that there was a bug during previous weeks that prevented you from
getting the 5+5+15 million gold if you already had those medals as
mentioned below, now you will get the gold regardless of if you did this
special before.
Also note that the HOURGLASS scheduled mobfaction gold bonus only applies
to the 1 million per mobfaction week bonus and not to the 5+5+15 million
From now and until 6am Wednesday:
- You gain an extra 1 million gold for every mobfaction defeated.
- SCORE tracks your total mobfactions defeated for the week.
- You get a special medal and another 5 million gold for defeating 10 mobfactions this week.
- You get a special medal and another 5 million gold for defeating 25 mobfactions this week.
- You are awarded a new action figure for defeating 25 mobfactions this week.
- You get a special medal and another 15 million gold for defeating 50 mobfactions this week, which means you got 50+15+5+5 = 75 million gold!
- There is a 1 in 10 chance of another special medal every mobfaction defeat, same as last time.
- GAMEINFO shows the top 20 players ranked by mobfactions defeated.
- The top 20 players at the end of the week will receive a special medal.
Mobfactions include: Aquoderms, Crystal Spiders, Firedemons, Firesticks, Firemoths, Haunted Forests, Hellraider, Hellreaper, Hellripper, Khrait, Kraken, Lions, Nightsirens, Pigs, Ruby Kah, Searams, Seatermites, Voroderms, and Wolves.
Gratz to last weeks Hellraider top 20 players. It was a very busy week so
I apologize for not making more Hellraiders to kill.
01 Andreb 14
02 Kwein 12
03 Ratnasambhaba 10
04 Izzaeroth 8
05 Keylow 6
06 Sinaxis 5
07 Thaddeus 5
08 Halabarad 5
09 Damae 4
10 Sidius 3
11 Tazgar 3
12 Neromyer 2
13 Destin 2
14 Demonovich 2
15 Liono 2
16 Elymix 2
17 Hirve 2
18 Dez 2
19 Lotare 1
20 Aethilus 1
-The Medievia staff
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