Starting now and lasting until Wednesday 6am eastern:
- You get twice the normal amount of hide.
- You get a special medal when getting hide.
- You get a special medal after collecting 100 hide for the week.
- You get a special action figure after collecting 100 hide for the week. Note that you will get this even if you have the 100 hide medal.
- SCORE shows how many hide you have collected so far this week.
- GAMEINFO shows the top 20 hide collecting players.
- The top 20 players at the end of the week get the same special top finishing medal as before.
54 days today until Medievia comes out of BETA for version V!
Gratz to the top 20 CPK Mobfaction players:
RANK PLAYER CPK Mobfactions defeated
01 Andreb 34
02 Kwein 28
03 Disiku 25
04 Zhijing 25
05 Ralok 22
06 Zephyrion 17
07 Sidius 14
08 Sasukizz 11
09 Izzaeroth 9
10 Tazgar 9
11 Liono 8
12 Zair 6
13 Keylow 5
14 Hirve 3
15 Fornax 3
16 Jinghao 3
17 Damae 3
18 Thaddeus 2
19 Malaporta 2
20 Sanford 2
-The Medievia staff
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