August 8th, 2024
Mule Trading Special!


From now and until the end of the special:
  • You get twice the gold for all mule trading.
  • You are awarded a NEW action figure for 50 million mule trading.
  • You are awarded a special medal for 100 million mule trading.
  • When you are awarded this you gain an EXTRA 50 MILLION GOLD.
  • You are awarded a special medal for 200 million mule trading.
  • When you are awarded this you gain an EXTRA 100 MILLION GOLD.
  • SCORE tracks your total mule trading.
  • GAMEINFO shows the top 20 players ranked by mule trading.
  • The top 20 players at the end of the week will receive a special medal.
Dragonlair Hide Special top players
RANK     PLAYER  Zone Explore Experience/100k
01   Praivyvenia 57,772
02         Lewta 51,520
03       Ikiryoh 39,170
04      Oksorcio 30,376
05        Battar 22,527
06   Tristanelli 21,880
07      Visariel 20,983
08        Fastar 20,610
09       Nopaxis 19,824
10     Mehsorcio 19,662
11      Kwexania 19,314
12    Darksorcio 18,540
13       Maraick 18,488
14    Tobysorcio 18,306
15    Zerrynfast 18,248
16       Nekolai 18,212
17     Sayvomyer 18,181
18        Maikus 18,159
19     Abbinelli 18,131
20        Hardar 18,054

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