

Medievia's casino is located in Medlink.
Feeling LUCKY? Think you can parlay that gold bar into a FORTUNE? Well anything is possible at Medievia's casinos, where the idle rich and the bold newbies meet to test thier luck and skill at games of chance.

All of the slot machines are different. When you enter a room with a slot machine use the ODDS command to find the odds of winning on that particular machine. Remember that the higher the odds, the more you can win. To play a slot machine use the PULL command. If you win, your winnings will be dropped on the ground, so make sure to get your coins. The slots are represented very nicely as ANSI and they are actually timed to give the perfect 'Feel' of playing slots. Some slot machines are stuffed full of gold by gods randomly, and some players have won millions with one pull of the lever!

Poker and Cards
Poker is a game with an ancient tradition and a somewhat notorious reputation. Many have chosen poker as an occupation, few however have managed to attain continued success at it. It can be a fun and even profitable hobby. To play poker in Medievia, you must first pick a leader who becomes the dealer. The Medievia poker system allows for many different types of poker games.

Dealer Commands
  • Shuffle: Takes the cards and shuffles the deck.
  • Showdeal(sd): Deals the cards FACE UP so all can see.
  • Hidedeal(hd): deals the cards FACE DOWN so only player can see.
  • Down deal(dd): deals the cards FACE DOWN so NO ONE can see.

All deal commands are in the form command # player where #=the number of cards dealt. Note that if "player" is not supplied cards are dealt to everyone at the table.

Player Commands
  • Cards: shows you your cards. Cards all(a) will show everyones cards.
  • Discard: Causes you to throw away a card eg. discard 7h Qs 10c etc.
  • Show: turns your cards over so all can see.
  • Ante: ante # will make you drop # coins for the ante.
  • Raise: raise # will make you drop # coins to raise the bet.
  • Fold: will fold your hand for the current game.

Remember poker can result in animosity even between good friends. It is against casino rules to kill other players, so if you have a dispute that cannot be settled verbally please take it out of the casino.

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