

You enter and kill whomever your prompt says to hunt. This is your Adversary. You can also attack anyone hunting you which is shown as HUNTERS in your prompt. The game decides who is hunting who. If you die you lose all your levels and start over. If you kill people you level extremely fast. If a player reaches a high level above everyone else then the game of Adversary enters into MOB MODE. This means that everyone should form a mob of angry players against this player. You can only attack this player and he can attack everyone. Once the high player is killed things revert back into the chaos instantly and everyone has their own Adversary again.

MOB command, which is used when game enters MOB MODE. It is just like SHOUT but the high level guy will not hear it. GUIDE UP & GUIDE DOWN, which directs you to nearest stairs up or down. WHO -v shows a adversary who list MAP shows a map for your level, MAP X shows levels 0-6 SETCOMM LISTEN turns 3D Sounds on and off. SETCOMM ADVERSARY turns the Adversary info channel on and off. QUITTING no longer saves your level.

Adversary characters can be created by anyone who has reached total level 31 or has donated to Medievia. The entrance to Adversary is located one east from the main Medlink room. From there, you must decide on your name and class.

The path you take from the Adversary entrance determines your class. There are four exits, representing Mage, Cleric, Thief or Warrior. All characters are multi-class, but your decision here will determine your current class. Once you have decided on your class, you will be prompted for your name. You choose this based on a randomly selected list of about 20. If you do not like any in the first list, you can choose another set to look through. These names only last for the duration of your time in Adversary and are not permanent, so stressing over the potential dislike of them will be pointless and a waste of your time.

You will find yourself equipped with basic items as a starting character. Equipment can be looted from other players, but there are no mobs or zones to run to get better items. As you level so does your equipment. Your starting helm with poor stats will randomly gain or lose stats as you level, making yours potentially better each time. Note that though loss is possible, in general, items will gain more than they lose!

You do not need to practice your spells or skills in Adversary. All characters are created with the knowledge of all spells and skills. The determining factor about whether a character can use a spell is based on their current level and class.

Adversary makes use of 3D sounds. This does not mean you need to be able to hear actual wav sounds in order to play Adversary. 3D sounds are text-based indicators that are determined by various factors, including distance from the target, and how many nearby noises there are to drown out those farther away. In order to view these messages, make sure you have the LISTEN channel turned on via SETCOM (Adversary characters start with this on). See HELP LISTEN for more information.

You can take a timeout to if needed once an hour and for up to three minutes. Use the TIMEOUT command.

You can always be directed to the nearest stairs up or down by using GUIDE UP and GUIDE DOWN command.

In your prompt is usually a name of a player to HUNT along with a very general direction to find the player. Also in your prompt is a list of players hunting you. You can only attack who you are hunting and who is hunting you. The game decides who these players are by looking at levels, number hunters per player, who hunted who last, etc. When the player you are hunting levels, dies, goes TIMEOUT, or leaves - they are removed from your prompt and soon the game will pick someone else to hunt.

You level by killing other players. You level very quickly, often multiple levels per kill. If you kill someone you are hunting, you get double the experience; if you kill someone who is hunting you, you get half the experience.

Death in Adversary is permanent. All your equipment is left behind in your corpse, and you start over at the current starting level with a fresh set. Your starting placement is randomly chosen by the game.

Statistics for times played, kills, death, highest level, and total level are tracked for both the Adversary character and the real player. See HELP ADVSTAT for more information.

You start out neutral, but you can set your alignment using the Align command. You can set your alignment to good, neutral, or evil. For all classes other than current class cleric, this incurs a bit of lag.

When you quit or leave Adversary, you are returned to your real character. Your Adversary character is removed from the game and statistics are assigned to your real character for you to view. Adversary characters are not saved; the equipment is not saved. When you quit or leave, that character is deleted. You will start Adversary with a new character each time you reenter.

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