Clients for Medievia
One of the best ways to play Medievia is to download and install a client program that connects to the game. The clients listed below are all supported by and compatible with Medievia.

Windows platform

MudMaster: our free text game client that is built by the players as an open source project.

  • Medievia MudMaster MM2K6 version 4.2 (build 17), installs the Medievia font, has a channelviewer script turned on so all communication is also in its own window, also includes our keypad and status bar scripts. This is the most popular client.
  • Mudmaster 2K6 User's Guide

Macintosh platform

Atlantis: An excellent free text game client for Macs. Navigate to the website below to download and install this client. Once you have installed it, connect to, port 4000.

Linux platform

TinTin++: A free text game client for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Navigate to the website below to download and install this client. Once you have installed it, connect to, port 4000.

Alternatively, MM2K6 does also work in WINE.

Mobile Clients

Blowtorch MUD Client (Android): A free text game client for Android OS. Navigate to the website below to download and install this client. Once you have installed it, connect to, port 4000.

Scripts to run in your client

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