Medievia Mudslinger

September 2, 2000

MudMarriages - Collated by Maleah

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 Kaaz and Bele were joined in mudtrimony at 9:00 am system time at the City of Tear.

Mon, 14 Feb 200 Braum and Thaylia were handfasted by Gamina in Gamina's Altar room. Elander, Sypha, Zark, Zion, Parkilas, Amava, Xeanne, and countless others attended.

Fri, 7 Apr 2000 Ciffer and Hertald were mud married.

Wed, 2 Aug 2000 Namiko and Saknis were joined in mudmarriage by the God Prae

Mon, 7 Aug 2000 Ganey and Tanzi were married on the 7th of August, at the high altar of the Trellor temple. Kazekhaine performed the ceremony, and all went according to plan once Ganey remembered the rings.

Wed, 9 Aug 2000 Malander and Devarius were mudmarried in Braneri by my dear friend Kylrathin. In real life, I'm female, but because I play a bloodline who was given to me by Marjoran I just grin and bear it. Dalum was Malander's best man and served as crowd control. Auri was my maid of honor, and my sister in real life. :) I was late getting online because my grandfather was using the computer, so I had a surprise when I got online. Dalum has set your clantitle to 'late for her weddings.' In the middle of the ceremony, my grandfather came in and informed me that he needed to use the computer. One of the many comments on the topic was from Dudoradimous, "Rofl wedding Last Vegas style!" ..oh the groaning, I can still see the ansi colors flying in front of my eyes. Through this rather amusing, comical display, I can say that it was well worth it. Malander and I have known each other for over three years. (announcement written by Devarius)

Sat, 12 Aug 2000 Madwolf and Taelia were mudmarried.

Sat, 19 Aug 2000 Desultir and Raag were mudmarried in the Medlink Chapel by Vorador, who kindly climbed out of his washtub and put aside his rag-on-a-stick to perform the ceremony. With wheelbarrow in hand, the two were joined in the weirdest of mudtrimonal unions.

Sun,20 Aug 2000 Xyrton and Zyra were mudmarried.

Sun, 20 Aug 2000 Malystryx and Erica were mudmarried.

Fri, 25 Aug 2000 Around 11pm Medievia time, Samorian and Montaigne were wed by Garrish at the Medievia Altar.

Kendril and Jabea were married about 3 weeks ago. The wedding was preformed by Bibina with Jostun, Annoura, Gatha, Loran, and Blarg in attendance.

Brenna and Asar were mudmarried.

Congratulations to you all!

Note: Email me your Wedding News! Please remember to include your character's name and the date that the event took place in your emails. Don't be afraid to add tidbits or be creative with your announcements. If you like you can even write your own! I'll be looking forward to all of the future announcements. Send email to
