Medievia Mudslinger

April 21, 2000

An Overview of Trading - By Gandore

Medievia: Thousands, maybe even millions, of lines of code/text/modules working in sync to provide a very entertaining MUD (Multi-User-Dimension or Dungeon) for everyone around the world to enjoy. This text-based paradise has many, many things to do, and a most of the time you'll need a specific thing to get the most out of these activities: money!

There are various ways to earn gold coins (universal currency in the world of Medievia), including selling equipment, selling eggs, doing a big favour for someone, or just plain asking a fellow player politely for a small donation. The main method of earning a living I would like to focus on is trading. A basic description of trading is taking a freight full of goods from one place to another and selling for a higher price. Unfortunately for all we Medievians it's not so simple.

Section A: Finding a decent trade run

The first step to finding a good trade run that's worth the walk/ride/etc. is valuing. The Value command is a very valuable (no pun intended :P) command to take advantage of indeed. The first thing you need to do is find a destination (a trade post) to value goods at (note: trade shops are marked by a $ on the map when you have brief off in the wilderness). Once at the desired trade post buy a wagon (by typing buy wagon) and begin valuing items from other shops. You do this by typing value [item name], for example "value timber" will give you the price of one cord of timber. You then have to calculate the total value of the trip. When typing "list" at a trade shop you will get a listing of all the freights they supply and all the goods as well, including their weights and sizes (as for freights its the maximum size/weight they can carry). Those two bits of information (weight and size) are the two most important when it comes to calculating the total value of the trip. So, let's make a formula to calculate the total value of a trade run:

Let a = the maximum weight of the wagon you plan on doing the run with
Let b = the weight of the item you plan on bringing along
Let c = the price for *1* of the item you plan on taking with you
And v = the total value of the trade run

Therefore the formula would be v=(a/b)*c

Although most values can be calculated using only the weight of an item, sometimes you will have to substitute the size into the formula. If you notice that the size of an item is quite higher than it's weight, then substitute the maximum size of the wagon for "a" and the size of the item for "b." For example, I want to take an item from point A to point B in a covered wagon. When I type list I notice that the size of that item is 35, and the weight is 20, which is 15 less then the size. I suspect, because the size is substantially larger then the weight, I would have to substitute the size for the weight in the value formula. You can also compare how many of each item fits into the wagon by dividing the max size of the freight by the item size, the max weight of the freight by the item weight, and then comparing the two answers. The largest one is how many items that wagon can carry.

So let's say I wanted to do a trade run from point A to point B, and I happen to know the weights of all the items at point B. I would fly over to point A, buy a wagon, and value each of the items. Now then, let's imagine that one basket of corn is worth 22342 coins, and we know that one basket of corn weighs 85 units, and we plan on doing the trade run with a covered wagon which has a maximum weight of 1700. We would stick all these values into the formula and come up with v=(1700/85)*22342, which would come to a total value of 446840.

So you have calculated the total value of the run. Now you have to decide whether it's actually worth running (by comparing distance vs value). At in the medweb section you can find a big map of medievia, which has almost every trade post location on it, such as Riverton, Trellor, and so fourth. It's extremely useful for visualizing the distance between point A and point B and whether your total value is worth the distance between the two points. There is also a list of distances (in steps) between almost every post lurking around the web and even in the mud itself (on clan boards). If you are really picky and want to know the exact amount of money you will get per step find yourself one of these lists, and divide the total value by the amount of steps to figure out the amount of money you will gain for each step. Personally I think a good run is one where you get 1000 coins or more per step.

Section B: The actual run

So after careful calculations and comparisons you have found a decent trade run. Now's the time to ponder whether you should go it alone or with a form. Solo runs generally go quicker yet with more difficulty, for there are many wilderness mobs that are out there to give you a very hard time, not to mention mob factions (both of these will be explained in more detail further in the article). However with a form (people following along helping you out in battles etc) the trade run will go much more smoothly. Mobs will die quicker, you can have someone check the weather every once and a while, or perhaps you will have a mage/cleric tag along to refresh your movement points or cast invis on you along the way (note:It is polite to make sure that everyone in your form will get a fair amount of money for the trip). The next step is to find a beast to mount. It is almost necessary to be mounted on something while running from trade post to trade post, because mounting beasts have MUCH more stamina then your regular Medievian. As a bonus when they collapse they stand back up automatically if you run too fast. Most towns/cities have a stable where you can find a mount. (NOTE: See section E for a list of +stamina equipment to find, in case you can't, in fact, find a mount)

You have a wagon, the goods, a mount, a form (if any) and you know where you're headed. Basically all a trade run is following the road on the map to your destination and avoiding baddies who want you dead. Carrying staves or wands or potions that grant you invisibility is a very wise thing to do to avoid some of these mobs. Having a cleric/mage in your form to cast this or refresh you will help a bunch too. If you do not posses the refresh/mass refresh spell then tether (by typing "tether") your mount and give it a few ticks to get full, or just rest for a while if you are not mounted on any beast.

Guides are mobs that sit at intersections and point you in the direction of wherever you wish to head. One does this by saying "where ". For example, at a guide I would say "where riverton" if I were headed to Riverton and it would tell me which way to go.

Section C: Wilderness mobs and how to deal with them


Wilderness mobs are simply mobs you find in the wilderness (the wilderness being outside of towns/cities/etc.). MOST of these will attack you on sight if you're not invisible, and a lot can even see invisible players. As mentioned in the helpfiles, the farther you go from the City of Medievia the harder and more dense the wilderness mobs will get. There are, however, skills/spells that assist you in avoiding a battle to the death with these pests, which will be covered in the important skills/spells section. In most cases it is best to flee from a wilderness mob, fetch your wagon, and quickly run to the next room. Here is a basic rundown of most of the mobs, from easiest to hardest.

The most important thing to do when approached by a hard mob is flee and run quickly out of the area with your freight. If you stick around the mobs will follow your tracks and hunt you down until you're a pile of rotting flesh on the ground. It's often a good idea to flee from any mob to make good time.


Dragons, like humans when not logged onto medievia, get bored quickly. For this reason they need to find someone to terrorize. Every once and a while, an evil dragon will circle around in the sky, looking for prey to steal gold from or kill. These are simple to kill by a form of 4 or 5 heroes, however often while trading you won't be fortunate to have a form of 4 or 5 heroes along with you. This is why you, alone, must know how to deal with these magnificent lizards. The first sign you will get is a dragon circling at * o' clock looking for prey. There is nothing you can do at this point other then continue along or wait for it to land and start hunting. Once you see the beast land type "link." If it says you cannot link because you are being hunted then immediately call a good dragon to defeat the evil one for you, or head for the nearest river or stream to make the evil dragon lose your scent and become a sitting duck. Or if there is no rivers/streams around or you're short on funds, then run around mindlessly in the wilderness until he gives up his hunt and flies off.

If you are feeling foolish then you can lure the dragon closer towards you and call a good one to initiate combat with the bad one. Once you see your dragon pounce on the evil one find them, and watch the fight. Often times the evil dragon's corpse will contain orbs, money, healing potions or even a dragon brain, which sells at a very nice price on auction. (note: you can turn in 2 dragon brains, 2 dragon crystals, and 20 million coins for 2 amulets of telepathy which allow you to telepath stuff to your friend without having to be in medlink or in the same clan).

Subsection 3) MOB FACTIONS

Mob Factions are not to be confused with your average wilderness mob. While running down a road with your freight the code will notice that you are doing a trade run and create a group of mobs out of nowhere to steal and sometimes even destroy your goods and attempt to kill you as well. The beauty of this complex module is that the strength of the mobs depends entirely on your level. This way it gives low level players who trigger a mob faction hope of actually defeating the mobs. All mob factions consist of leaders and their minions. The leaders (the strongest of the mob faction) stay stationary on the road unless you bring your freight to them at which point they run off with the goods. The minions are much weaker and come in larger numbers (usually). Once you kill all the leaders, the mob faction will end and the minions will disappear. Some common tips to all mob factions are:

  1. Never ever bring your freight into a mob faction. Back a ways up down the road until you stop seeing warning messages and quickly dispose of the leaders. If you do bring your freight into the same room as the leaders of the MF then other leaders will jump into the battle and you will be largely outnumbered.
  2. As soon as you see warning messages you must identify what MF you are dealing with, back up a ways, and then dispose of it asap.
  3. If you find that the MF leaders are much too strong for you to take alone, then don't be afraid to ask for help over shout or link a friend. If you cannot manage that then move back down the road a ways and wait the mob faction out.

The five MFs, in order from easiest to handle to hardest, are kobolds, rogues, bandits, demon lords, and trolls. Now let's look at each:




Demon Lords


Section D: Useful skills/spells

Trading, like most activities, becomes much easier as you advance in level and earn new skills and spells. For this reason I have compiled a listing of such spells/skills and how to use them to your advantage during a trade run.



Section E: Trading without a warhorse

Often, during your traderun, you will lose your mount somehow, whether it be a game crash or perhaps you can't find where you tethered it. For occasions like these one should have a set of +stamina equipment (the quickness spell is a necessity here as well because at level 31 it adds 46 to stamina). I have compiled a list of 4 of these which will give you a total of +85 stamina (assuming your base stamina is 13 and have level 31 quickness) letting you run much quicker without collapsing as much: There is other stamina equipment in Medievia, which can be found on auction or the donation room or other sources such as clannies, friends, or just strangers willing to sell some.

Section F: Miscellaneous tips