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This help file explains the definitions of the symbols we use when describing
a command's syntax. We use the same syntax as is used by the majority of
technical manuals so many of you computer savvy people will already know these.

Text placed between less than < and greater than > symbols is meant to be
replaced with whatever is described by the text within the symbols.

kick <name>  - should be replaced with the name of someone or something.
playerinfo <player name> - should be replaced with the name of a player.

Text placed between square brackets [ ] is optional.

who [-z] - the -z option can be left out of the who command.
look [around] - the around option can be left out of the look command.

Often symbols are combined just as you can combine math symbols.

who [-n <name>] - the -n option can be left out but requires a name if used.
look [<name>] - you can specify the name of something or someone to look at.

When a bar | or a slash / is placed between text it means you can choose from
either the text on the left of the symbol or the text on the right of the

who [-b|-z] - you can use either the -b or -z options with the who command.
look [around|in] - you can use either the around or in options.