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Usage       : cast sense fire [road|fire]
Accumulative: No
Duration    : Instantaneous
Level       : Level 16 mage & cleric
Mana Usage  : 40

This spell allows the caster to see a visual representation of the whole
world and the wilderness fires in it.

Fires show up with a red background and an indicator:
- A number is the number of roads on fire in the sector
- A character represents how many fires are in the sector
    .. = < 4  fires  (does not show a red background color)
    '' = < 10
    "  " = < 20
    ++ = < 30
    XX = > 30

Adding the optional "road" or "fire" argument will show a map display
similar to that shown by the "WIZARD EYE" spell.

    c sense fire road - shows you the map and coordinates of the sector
                        with the most road fires, displaying the map as
                        though you were standing at the latest road room
                        to catch fire

    c sense fire fire - shows you the map and coordinates of the sector
                        with the largest fire, displaying the map as
                        though you were standing at the latest room to
                        catch fire

Fires are started by firestorms and occasionally by lightning, although
the rain around lightning tends to put those fires out before they can
spread. Fires spread in the direction of the wind, and their power is
determined by wind velocity, direction, velocity changes, and so on.

Note: The spell does not show your location, and it never will. It is up
to the player to know where he or she is in relation to the world map.