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    sorteq [det|days] [<container>|locker]

    sorteq            - sorts inventory
    sorteq jar        - sorts all equipment in the jar
    sorteq det        - sorts equipment in inventory in order of det
    sorteq det jar    - sorts equipment in jar in order of det
    sorteq days       - sorts equipment in inventory by days left
    sorteq days 2.jar - sorts equipment in 2.jar by days left
    sorteq locker     - sorts all equipment in your locker
    sorteq det locker - sorts all equipment in your locker in order of det

This command sorts your inventory or container in alphabetical order and stacks
the equipment properly. If you specify a container keyword as an argument,
it will sort that container. Without an argument, it sorts the inventory.
With det or days specified and no container specified, this command will
sort your inventory with respect to deterioration states or days. With det
or days and a container specified, this command will sort the container's
contents with respect to deterioration states or days. With the locker
argument, it will sort your locker. You can only sort your locker if
you're in a locker room.

The det and days options sort oldest items first, and nodet/infinite items
last, so items with 1 day (crumbling) are at the top of the list.