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This help file relates to the PROMPT command to customize your prompt. To
understand your prompt, and what it contains, see Help PROMPTS or Help


    prompt set - sets your prompt to the default, uncustomized prompt

    prompt set <options>        - customizes your prompt. Options are
                                  shown below.
    config prompt set <options> - same

    prompt        - shows your current prompt setting.
    config prompt - same as 'prompt'

The PROMPT command allows you to customize the information you see in your
prompt. You can use the standard prompt, several other "pre-built"
choices, or a completely custom prompt, including many stats (current and
'max'), XP and other MLRs, and even spells currently affecting you, both
good and bad.

"Good" spells SANCTUARY FIRESHIELD QUICKNESS etc.) are shown in green.
Capital letters (S, F, Q, etc.) mean the spell is currently active
(affecting you). Lowercase letters (s, f, q, etc.) mean the spell is not
currently active (it has worn off or has not been cast).

"Bad" spells CURSE BLINDNESS POISON etc.) are shown in red, in capital
letters (C, B, O, etc.).

The following pre-configured prompts are available. Below them are the
options for a completely custom prompt.

prompt set 1 - sets your prompt to the 'standard' Med prompt
    <900hp 300m 500mv 100br 340r>

prompt set 2 - sets your prompt to option 1 plus 'max' amounts
    <900/900hp 300/450m 500/500mv 100/100br 340r>

prompt set 3 - sets your prompt to option 2 plus XP needed to LEVEL
    <900/900hp 300/450m 500/500mv 100/100br 4,500,000xp 340r>

prompt set 4 - sets your prompt to option 3 plus spell flags useful to
    [SFILMPQVWBCGO]<900/900hp 300/450m 500/500mv 100/100br 500,000xp 340r>

prompt set 5 - sets your prompt to option 3 plus spell flags useful to
    [SLQVWBCGO]<900/900hp 300/450m 500/500mv 100/100br 4,500,000xp 340r>

prompt set 6 - sets your prompt to option 2 plus spell flags useful to
               hero casters
    [SFILMPQVWBCGO]<900/900hp 300/450m 500/500mv 100/100br 340r>

prompt set 7 - sets your prompt to option 2 plus spell flags useful to
               hero meleers
    [SLQVWBCGO]<900/900hp 300/450m 500/500mv 100/100br 340r>

Option 1 is the default prompt you have if you have never customized your
Option 2 is for players who also want to see their 'max' stats as in
Option 3 is for players who also want to see their XP to LEVEL
Option 4 is for mages and clerics who also want their spell affects shown.
Option 5 is for warriors and thieves who also want their spell affects
Option 6 is for mage and cleric HEROES who do not need xp to level.
Option 7 is for warrior and thief HEROES who do not need xp to level.

*** *** ***
To customize your prompt to your own unique specifications:
*** *** ***


    prompt set <options>        - customizes your prompt. Options are
                                  shown below.
    config prompt set <options> - same

    prompt        - shows your current prompt setting.
    config prompt - same as 'prompt'

A prompt consists of "color escapes," "variables," and whatever text you
add as dividers or reminders. Color escapes specify what color the next
piece of text will be, and variables specify which stat or spell will be
shown. The first part of your custom prompt MUST be a color escape.

Available color escapes are:

 #r Red          #lr Dark red
 #g Green        #lg Dark green
 #y Yellow       #ly Dark yellow
 #b Blue         #lb Dark blue
 #m Magenta      #lm Dark magenta (purple)
 #c Cyan         #lc Dark cyan
 #w White        #lw Dark white (gray)

'Dark' colors are the non-bold versions of the same 7 colors.

The color escape #x will have the special effect of making the variable
after it a "metered" color. This means the variable will change colors
based on how high it is, the way the standard prompt does (full hitpoints
in blue, critically low hitpoints in red, etc.). You can't set the
specific colors of this "meter."

Variables consist of the ampersand symbol (&) and a letter. This is
case-sensitive, as lowercase letters mean different things than capital
letters. You may use any of the following variables. Variables with a (*)
after them can be used with the #x "metering" color escape. The others

This metered color is also referred to as "magic color" in error messages,
so you know what that means if you see it. Error messages refer to the
position of a bad character by actual spaces, not "items." The 8th
position is the 8th character, not the 8th variable.

While most variables are common sense, like &h and &H for hitpoints, and
&m and M for mana, many are not as obvious, like &FO for pOison, or I
for lIfetime, or &Q for autoQuest.

Note that spell affect variables begin with an &F, for aFfect.

&a = armor class                      &k = pkness of zone (incl. LPK (*)
&A = alignment (*)                    &K = pkness of zone (if not LPK (*)
&b = breath (*)                       &Id = lifetime dragon points
&B = blood (*)                        &Ie = lifetime eggs
&D = dragon points to level           &Il = lifetime leading
&d = current dragon points            &Iq = lifetime aq
&E = egg points to level              &It = lifetime trade
&e = current egg points               &Ix = lifetime xp
&FB = blindness                       &l = leading points
&FC = curse                           &L = leading points to level
&FF = fireshield                      M = max mana
&FG = plague                          &m = current mana (*)
&FI = iceshield                       &N = newline
&FL = levitate                        &Q = autoquest points to level
&FM = manashield                      &q = current autoquest points
&FO = poison                          &R = current RISK (*)
&FP = phantasmal images               &T = trading points to level
&FQ = quickness                       &t = current trading points
&FS = sanctuary                       &u = "Mount" if mounted
&FV = invisible                       &V = max moves
&FW = breathe water                   &v = current moves (*)
&H = max hitpoints           &W = hunger and thirst
                             &X = xp to level

This list is also available in Help "PROMPT VARS" for quick reference once
you're used to the command itself.

You can use whatever symbols you like for the dividers and start/end of
your prompt. Take out the blue <> if you want, or change them to magenta
!!s. Make the slash / between current and max into a red - or a green
"of". Up to you. You could even put your character name in your prompt, if
you often forget which character you're on.

The following examples start out simple and become more complex. At this
point I'd like to recommend you try one of the seven pre-configured
options above if you're confused yet. :)

prompt set #b<#x&h#b>
   - sets your prompt to a blue <, metered current hitpoints, and a blue >

prompt set #g[#r&h#lghitpoints#lw/#lr&H#g]
   - sets your prompt to a green [, red current hitpoints, the word
     "hitpoints" in dark green, a dark white /, dark red max hitpoints,
     and a green ]

prompt set #b<#x&m#lbm#b>
   - sets your prompt to a blue <, metered current mana, the letter "m" in
     dark blue, and a blue >

prompt set #m.#r::#w<#x&h#mhp#w/#lr&H#mhp#w>#r::#m.
   - sets your prompt to a magenta ., two red ::s, a white <, metered
     current hitpoints,
     the letters "hp" in magenta, a white /, dark red max hitpoints, the
     letters "hp" in magenta, a white >, two red ::s, and a magenta .

     This one would be really obnoxious, but it's there to make the point
     that this is just as customizable as, say, a chat alias.