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LFG stands for Looking For a Group. You can toggle on and off the fact
that you are looking for a group to form with to:


When you toggle one of these on your prompt shows you and everyone who
does a LFG W will see what you are looking to do.

Syntax: LFG <parameter>
W - shows who is looking for a group
E - toggles if you are looking for an experience/explore group
T - toggles if you are looking for a trading group
D - toggles if you are looking for a dragon lair group
Q - toggles if you are looking for a quest group
WE WT WD WQ are like W but just shows players looking for that group type
Example: LFG E to toggle that you are looking for a group to exp with

When you want to adventure and are looking for a group you just set your
toggle. When you want to lead an adventure you should use the ADVENTURE
channel and ask people to LFG then you can fill your formation with
players you select. Just let them know via LINK command or what not.

We are not forcing LFG on people. Many games have an LFG command so many
new players always ask for it, so here it is. We do ask that players do
not keep their LFG toggles on all of the time. Only have them on if you
are serious and not AFK