There are many places and features to explore in Medievia.
The EXPLORATION feature is all about zones as shown in LISTZONE These are
the zones you adventure in to gain experience and equipment as you play
with your friends. Many of the zones will have special EXPLORE objectives
you can complete if the zone is shown as open in EXPLORE ZONES
You can complete the objectives in any order, and once you complete them,
you are marked as having explored the zone.
You gain a huge amount of experience when you finish a zone for the first
time. You gain the experience once per zone per character.
This means that the game is a game of exploration! You should go to every
zone and explore the whole world!
The EXPLORE command tracks everything for you:
EXPLORE O shows the objectives in the zone you are in and all the
information you need to know.
EXPLORE O PLAYERNAME shows this for another player you are formed with.
EXPLORE Z shows the zones, if you completed them, and how much exp each
will be worth at your level.
EXPLORE Z PLAYERNAME shows this for another player.
When you finish a zone, you are marked forever as having finished it, and
your PRIMARY player is also marked as having finished it, but they get no
This is key because there are new tags in front of your name and medals to
be had. These work off your PRIMARY player, who becomes the total of all
of the zones your characters have explored.
This means that even if you are playing a new BLOODLINE kid, the tag you
will have in front of your name will be that of your PRIMARY player.
Completed objectives for zones you have not completed do not remain
completed forever, but they are saved across restarts. The typical
objective lasts 1.5 to 3 hours but some last for a week or more for our
more challenging zones. EXPLORE O shows how long the next objective you
have completed or partially completed will run out, which means you would
have to complete that objective again.
The experience gained when you finish a zone is limited to 1/2 the
difference between the experience needed from your current level to the
The experience gained is a lot and turns the game from one of knowing a
few zones and farming them for experience over and over, to one of going
out and exploring all the zones, ideally only doing each one time unless
you are after equipment.
The statuses in EXPLORE Z are explained below:
Closed: Explore for zone is closed, usually to rework an objective
InDesign: A god is actively working on designing the zone's objectives
DesignEdit: The text and structure of the objectives are being edited
WOMEdit: A WOM is in the process of approving the zone's objectives
Open: Open for players to explore
The whole concept of this exploration feature came from the basic question
about retaining new players. They do LEARN NEXT LEARN NEXT learn stuff
and go to some places and then are dropped in the largest game in the
world. How can they know where to go next and who to go with?
The solution is this EXPLORE feature: EXPLORE S suggests where to go next!
It looks at your formation, how many are in it, your levels, and it looks
at the information in ZONEINFO to decide which zones your formation is
capable of running. It then looks at which zones the players in your
formation have finished, as well as their primaries, and makes suggestions
as to where is best to go next.
This means new players can just form up with similar leveled players and
type EXPLORE SUGGEST to quickly decide where to go. EXPLORE SUGGEST shows
one asterisk (*) for one player finishing the zone, and up to nine
asterisks if all nine members of the form have finished it. It shows RED
if it is you that has finished it, yellow if you have not but your PRIMARY
has, and magenta if it is another player in the formation.
This makes it very easy to decide where to go next, even with perfect
strangers. Everyone in the formation instantly knows what zones are
runnable, and how many of you have done them, and if you or your primary
has done them, as well as how much experience it is be worth to you.
Also check the file "EXPLORE CAVEATS" which lists zones that are harder
to explore than you might think.
It is quick and easy to form up and get to a meaningful adventure
exploring the massive world together. Just use the ADVENTURE channel and
announce 'levels 15-21 forming up to explore' and say what room to join
you in etc.
There are limits, though.
If someone completes an objective, everyone in the formation is marked as
having completed it as well but only if they are in the same room or an
adjacent room and within 7 levels of the player triggering the objective.
This means you want a formation within 7 levels of each other and you want
to stick together in the zone. Ideally you want to be within 6 levels if
the player with the highest level may level soon.
There is one medal for each tag you can get next to your name:
(Traveler) explored 50-65% of the zones
(Adventurer) explored 66-80% of the zones
(Explorer) explored 81-90% of the zones
(Pioneer) explored 91-99% of the zones
(Pathfinder) explored all but one explorable zone
Again note that you want to set your PRIMARY on all of your players so
each gets the same tag, that of your primary player, who gets the zones
marked complete whenever any of your players complete them, assuming you
have PRIMARY set.
Also note that new zones are opened all the time and we intend to never
stop making them. Can you explore the largest game ever made?