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To have your clan disbanded, write to from the
e-mail address on your character, or mudmail Realestate, requesting that
the clan be disbanded. Include the clan NUMBER and the clan NAME in the
e-mail, as well as your (the clanleader's) character name.

A real estate god will reply to you asking for confirmation. If you do
not reply to the confirmation e-mail, your clan will NOT be disbanded.

But if you reply and confirm that you wish to disband your clan, there is
no going back, and your clan WILL be deleted. Do not request this if you
are not sure. Do not request that your clan be disbanded at a future date,
or that your clan be disbanded "if ..." or "when ..." something else

The e-mail requesting deletion of the clan must come from the CLANLEADER

If the leader is inactive, the clan can follow the instructions in help
LEADERCHANGE to name a new leader, or the coleader or other representative
of the clan can write in requesting that the clan be disbanded. Disbanding
clans with inactive leaders is at the discretion of the real estate staff.

If you are a clanleader and your clan is disbanded, you are personally
responsible for paying any back taxes owed to Medievia. If you do not have
the gold to pay back the debt, you will be purged. Not frozen: purged.

Conversely, any gold in the clan account after taxes are paid will go to the
leader. If the leader is inactive, the clan's gold will be split between
active members at the discretion of the real estate staff.

Clans owing more than 100 million gold in taxes will be disbanded without
further discussion.