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For rules regarding the creation of mobs, see CTMOB_RULES Make sure you
read them because not all the aspects you need to know are within this

Be very careful when creating a mob. The mob can not be deleted if you
start editing any part of it. None of the room types block the editing of
a mob. Each room type may have ONE mob set to it. You may load more than
one of these, but only one type will load in that room. Remember that room
types play a big part here. If you edit a certain room type, say Street1,
EVERY room that is of type Street1 will have that mob in it.

All of the commands for editing mobs are listed in the command CT The
following will walk you through creating a mob.

1) Mob Name: ct mn
   - This sends you into the standard Med editor.
   - This is where the keywords, used to attack, look at, etc., are put.
   - You can have many names for one mob.
   - Make sure all names have a space between them and do not use commas.

   Example: ct mn
            e(editor command)
           lady woman priestess <press enter 2 times>
            s(editor command)

2) Mob Short Description: ct ms
   - This will send you into the standard Med editor.
   - This is where you will enter the part of the mob that you see when it
     is fighting or moving around. (Ex: Your slash hits a young
   - Make sure the first character is lowercase unless it is that of a
     proper name. (a young priestess OR Kaisa, the king)

   Example: ct ms
            e(editor command)
            a young priestess <press enter 2 times>
            s(editor command)

3) Mob Long Description: ct ml
   - This will send you into the standard Med editor.
   - This is where you will enter the part of the mob you will see when
     it is standing in the same room as you when it is not fighting.
   - Make sure this section is a complete sentence and fits on one line.
     No mob should take up more than one line. (My example will go over
     more than one line because of the spaces before it. If it is put
     into a real mob, it will not.)

     Example: ct ml
              e (editor command)
              A young woman is kneeling here with her hands raised to
                 the sky. <press enter 2 times>
              s (editor command)

4) Mob Description: ct md
   - This is what is seen when the mob is looked at.
   - This sends you into the standard Med editor.
   - Type in what you want people to see the mob as. The physical body
     and clothing is a must. You may choose to add more about what the
     mob's "reason" for life is. Example: A guard is meant to guard
     things or creatures, so you could add information about watching over
     a city or a treasure.
   - Make sure you justify when finished. Type 'j' in the editor. This
     will format the text so that there are not any extra spaces.
   - (Extra help) If you need extra help writing descriptions for mobs,
     the following is what I normally tell people if they are having
     a)  The first sentence should be what you notice first about the mob.
         This is usually similar to clothing, height, hair and possibly
         some action. In the example below, I mix the most noticeable
        feature about the mob plus what she is doing.
     b)  The middle 2-3 sentences should continue with the description.
         This is where you can get more in-depth in explaining other
         characteristics or more details. In the example below, I talk
         about her golden hair and the ring on her finger. I also mention
         what the ring means, which helps tell a little more about the
         priestess' job and meaning. It implies that she is dedicated and
         also worships a goddess, not a god.
     c)  The last sentence should be a conclusion type sentence. It should
         sound like you are ending your description and maybe explain in
         finality what the mob is. The example below describes a final
         picture of the mob along with bringing a surprise out that you
         wouldn't have seen from the rest of the description: she's an
     d)  You do not need to follow these steps in building a description
         for a mob, but if you have no idea where to start, it may help

     Example: ct md
              e (editor command)
This young woman wears the flowing white and blue robes of a priestess.
Although her waist-length hair is shaped into a single braid down the
middle of her back, several small golden tendrils have escaped the
leather bind. She wears neither shoes nor common jewelry, but has allotted
herself one gold band. This ring, worn on her left ring finger, bears the
word "Goddess" upon it. Because of her absolute stillness in this awkward
position, she resembles a marble statue more than the elf that she is.
              (press enter 2 times)
             s (editor command)

5)  Mob class: ct mc <o/m/c/t/w>
    - Make sure that the class fits your description of the mob. For
      example, if you describe a healing priest, the mob class should not
      be set to thief, but rather to cleric.

    Example: ct mc c
      - Mob classes:
          - o=other
          - m=mage
          - c=cleric
          - t=thief
          - w=warrior

6) Mob Sex: ct mx <m/f/n>
   - Make sure that the sex of your mob fits its description. If you use
     words like "she" or "her," for instance, the sex should be female.

   Example: ct mx f

       - Mob's sex:
          - M=Male (default)
          - F=Female
          - N=Neutral (no gender, shows "it")

7) Amount of Mobs Loaded: ct ma #
   - Default is 1, but you can load between 1 and 5 mobs.
   - You should probably only load one "named" mob at a time. It would be
     awkward to see two mobs called Jess, the Baker in the same room.
   - Be careful that you do not load too many mobs. You do not want to
     walk through 7 room street that each have 5 mobs.
   - Default is 1 but there can be between 1 and 5 mobs

   Example: ct ma 2

Other Mob Commands:

ct mu    - Shows all the room types that you have not used yet. Warning:
           This doesn't mean that there are mobs edited in every room
           that is not shown here.

ct m?    - Shows all of the above descriptions, even if there is currently
           no mob standing in the room.
         - Don't worry if you see the first line of the description word
           wrap to the second line. It is only because the word
           "Description:" is there.

Example from the mob I was creating above:

Name: lady woman priestess
Short Description: a young priestess
Long Description: A young woman is kneeling here with her hands raised
to the sky.
Description: This young woman wears the flowing white and blue robes of
a priestess.
Although her waist-length hair is shaped into a single braid down the
middle of her back, several small golden tendrils have escaped the
leather bind. She wears neither shoes nor common jewelry, but has allotted
herself one gold band. This ring, worn on her left ring finger, bears the
word "Goddess" upon it. Because of her absolute stillness in  this
awkward position, she resembles a marble statue more than the elf that she

Class: Cleric
Sex: Female
Amount that loads: 2