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CTB_RULES      - Specific info concerning the rules of CT Building

CTB_TRAINING   - Overview of clantown builder training

CTB_CREATE     - Ref file with the commands to startbuilding
CTB_DELETE     - Ref file with the commands to delete rooms
CTB_DENY       - Info about denied rooms and some of the reasons why
FINDROOM       - Commands to use in order to help find rooms in CT's
CTMB           - Info on using Medbuild to track CT status
SETPROOF       - Command that lets you toggle your editing prompt

CTB_STYLE      - Info concerning the 'literal' style of writing  CT's
CTB_YOU        - Info about when you can and cannot use the word 'you'
GRAMMAR_INDEX  - Index of other helpful grammar files
TFIX           - Information and commands on how to correctly use TFIX
BACKGROUND     - Info on how to add background 'mobs' into the descript

CTB_MOB        - Ref file, with example, on how to write mobs
CTMA           - Info on tracking mob approval
CTMOB_RULES    - Rules to follow when writing CT Mobs
CTMOB_TIPS     - Suggestion on how and what to write in mob descriptions

CTB_ROOM       - Ref file on what commands to use to make rooms
CTB_TYPES      - Lists the room types available in FINDROOM and CT T
CTROOM_RULES   - Rules to follow when writing CT Rooms
CTROOM_TIPS    - Suggestions on how to write rooms, and what to avoid
CTB_ROOMLENGTH - Info concerning the minimum length of rooms
CTB_ROOMNAME   - How to correctly write room names