MedHelp - Medievia Help System
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The COLOR command toggles color on and off. First you must have ANSI color
as a terminal option (VT102 is a terminal option as an example) and have
it turned on.

The colors and examples of colors Medievia uses are below (for client
purposes and help). Bold colors are the bright versions of the colors and
some colors may not be used often or at all.

Color:           Use:
Bold Cyan        Say command
Bold Green       Clanwho
Green            Wilderness forest
Bold Magenta     Room descriptions
Magenta          Gravel path (ex. Near the City of Medievia)
Bold Blue        Rivers
Blue             Lakes
Bold Red         Wilderness lakes of fire
Red              Telepaths
Bold Yellow      Room Names
Yellow           Bridges and Mountains in the wilderness
Bold White       Casting spells
White            Help files