MedHelp - Medievia Help System
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Avatars are HEROES who have volunteered to assist new players. They are
generally players who have been playing for a long time, and are known to
be helpful to new players. They have the ability to respond to prayers
from single class players, and are expected to treat new players with
respect and patience.

** If you are a hero and are interested in becoming an avatar, please read

To see all the avatars online at a particular time use the command:
  who -a

Avatars are also able to speak on the "NEWBIE CLAN" channel. They are
there for the assistance of anyone in the clan, so feel free to ask any
questions you may have. They also approve player names on a regular basis.

Please remember that avatars are volunteers and the amount of time they
can give is dependant on their playing schedule. Sometimes they will be
busy or away and will not be able to respond.